Our first story on Shewanella phage Thanatos has been acctepted.
Great to see the efforts of so many PhD, BSc and Msc (side)projects finally come to life!
Thanks to Suse and Ariane for the fantastic microscopy, Timo for the MS, and the Bielefeld Gang Jörn, David, Julia and Matthias for all the in silico and MS work!
Fiona, Gesa and Leyla join the lab for their BSc thesis. All the best!
A little story (in plain German) on how bacteria may employ several flagellins to form a filament that works best under various conditions.
It even made the title of the latest issue of the Biospektrum.
The DFG will fund a priority program (SPP) on Phage biology!
Marco receives the VAAM PhD Award - Congrats Marco !!
It's alive! The Boon Lab studied how two NO-sensor systems interact to regulate biofilm formation of Shewanella oneidensis. Lucas contributed some biofilm studies. The story is here.
Great story by Francisco Díaz-Pascual from Knut Drescher's Lab on the effect of antibiotics on the structural integrity of Vibrio cholerae biofilms in Nature Microbiology. Shewi also has a (very minor) appearance. Congrats to all people involved!
Vanessa starts her PhD. So great that you decided to stay with us!
Marco got promoted to Dr. Marco. Fantastic job, Marco - and all the best at your future home.
Leonie, Louisa, Sophie and Svenja have joined the lab for their BSc. Welcome!
Fantastic story by Josie Ferreira from the Beeby Lab, finally out: Bacteria may eject their flagella when starved
(Shewanella does it, too. Thanks for having us contributing!). Cool to share another story with former gradstudents Flo and Suse! Also now in the Economist!
Check out the great story of our colleagues from the Ziebuhr Lab in Würzburg (and thanks, I had a great time in Würzburg!). This was a cooperation in the framework of the DFG priority program SPP1617.
Flo's and Tim's story on polar recruitment of PdeB by HubP has been elected as an articel of significant interest in the current issue of J. Bacteriol.
The paper on polar localization of PdeB is now out in J. Bacteriol. Pleasure to work with the Bange Lab.
The work is part of the fantastic DFG priority program SPP 1879.
And even better on time for Christmas: Flo's and Tim's story on polar localization of a phosphodiesterase by a GGDEF domain and HubP has been accepted! Great collaboration with the Bange Lab.
More soon.
Right on time for Christmas: Our story (in a fantastic collaboration with Felix, Nicola, Laurence and Bruno) is out in Nature Communications!
Great work, a big big thank you to all of you!
The Behind-The-Paper story can be found here.
Marco's story on dual flagellin has been accepted for publication in Nature Communications!
Great work und thanks to all people involved, in particular our collaborators in Marburg and York! More soon.
Vanessa joins the lab for her MSc. Welcome Vanessa!
The study by Lucas and Max on the extracellular nuclease ExeM is now published.
New life in the lab: Welcome to the BSc students Frederike, Kirsten, Lisa and Marie!
The flagellar screw appears in the Laborjournal. Thanks to Larissa Tetsch for translating our geeky stuff into proper German.
Our new team member Dirk joined the lab as an MSc student. Welcome Dirk!
Happy new year 2018
Lophotrichously flagellated Pseudomonas putida can (per)form the flagellar screw as well! Have a look at the great story by our colleagues from the Carsten Beta Lab!
Welcome Isy, our new MSc student!
The story on bacterial screwing motility is out! Thanks to Bruno Eckhardt and Felix Schmidt for the beautiful and fun collaboration. Looking forward to doing more research with you,
The figure of a screwing Shewanella cell was designed by the Ella Maru studio.
01.07.2017 - recommended by the Faculty of 1000
Have a look at the new book on methods dealing with bacterial flagella and flagella-mediated motility.
Marco wins the 'Award for an Outstanding Talk by a Graduate Student' at this years's BLAST meeting in New Orleans. Great job, Marco!
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